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Kim Gunnis

Friday, May 21, 2010


May 17, 2010
Dear Mrs. Lang
After looking back through all of my writing this year, I chose my argumentative essay in which I said that bottled water is safe as my best piece of writing. Here’s what I think about it and the experience of writing it:

· My writing piece that I chose is bottled water is safe and it is about how some people think that bottled water is safe and that bottled water is harmful.

· The things that I had to do to go through to produce my piece is that I had to first gather all my information about what I was going to talk about, then write my rough draft. After my rough draft was ready, I went to the writing center to get my paper checked and then when I got home I went over my paper and took things out that I did not need anymore. I also added more facts.

· The similar work that I have done is in 8th grade I had to go a research report on Katrina. This is similar because I had to do a lot of work to get down to my final paper. There was a lot of redoing and fixing up just like my water paper. It is different because I had find my own resources and make note cards of information that I found.

· I have improved my writing by that I take my time and I think about what I am going to write down before I even write it. I also go get help from other people that are very good writers.

· The problems that I encountered while working on this piece was that I did not really understand how to do the CM’s and CD’s. I solved the problem by that I asked people for help to understand what I had to do.

· The resources that I used while working on this piece is the ones that Mrs. Lang gave to me to use as a resource and another website that I had to find on my own to use. The ones that Mrs. Lang gave me were the most helpful because all the information was there for me to use and I did not have to go find the information myself. I would use any information that teachers gave me because they usually have really good facts.
· This piece of work kind of tells a story because it is about people around the world and what they think about bottled water. It is a story about how people do and do not like bottled water. It also tells others information about the bottled water safety that helps people be reassured about safe bottled water.
· I feel like I did very well on this writing piece because I took my time and I got some help to fix it up. The thing I like best about my writing is that I got good supporting details to support my topic. The thing I dislike is that I did not have a good thesis. I feel this way because I am not very good at doing thesis statements to get the reader into the paper.

· The thing that I enjoyed about my paper is that I got to see how people think differently because of very good causes. I also liked that I got the information and I did not have to look up much.

· My goal for this project was to get a good grade and make my writing as good as it could be. My goals did not change that much, I got a good grade and I wrote to the best of my ability. I did meet my goals because I did do because I got an 87 percent on my project.

· This piece reveals about me as a learner is that I can write a paper with information I am given and it helps me to turn in assignments on time. When I worked on this piece I learned that I can write a long paper as long as I take my time and have time to write it and not do it the night before.

· I have changed ideas about myself by going to the writing center when I have a long paper to write and when I am not as confident as if I did not go get help. I have learned that making time to write a paper is the best thing and not writing the paper all in one day, just take it one step at a time.

· Another piece of work that I did early in the year that was not as good at my water bottled writing is my Christianity vs. Buddhism paper. The changes that I can see is that my water bottled writing as more details and more facts about the topic where my Christianity vs. Buddhism paper has not as many facts and it jumps around a lot. This tells about myself is that I did not take as long as I could have with my Christianity vs. Buddhism paper then I did with my water bottled essay.

· If I was the teacher, the comments that I would of make about the Christianity vs. Buddhism paper is that it was not very good and there needed to be more time spent on it. I would probably give it a C because at least I did the paper and I put effort into the paper.

· The thing I want people to look at when they look at my work is the fact that put information in the paper that they did not know about. Also to look at my format to see that it is how it should be.

· My work met higher standards for this assignment is that I made a list of what I was going to talk about in my paper and I looked up as much information as I could. In my paper I compared my two religions a lot to make people think about the religions differently. Some ways that I did not meet the standards is by that I did not make my paper very long and it jumped around a lot.

· If someone looked at this paper they would think that I was not that good at writing papers but that I try my hardest to do the best I can do. They would also see is that I knew what I was trying to tell them.

· The work that I would save to remind myself about who am I right now is my water bottled essay because I know what I am talking about it in and it was the best paper I have written.

· One thing I would like to improve upon is my ability to do the CD’s and CM’s and my thesis statement because they are not that strong and good enough to get an outstanding grade on a paper.

· One goal that I want to set for myself for the next time I write a paper is that I take my time on my paper and I do the best I can do.

· In school I would like to take more time on writing the paper and getting each paragraph looked at by my teacher to see if I am heading into the right direction.

· I would like my next year’s teacher to know that I am a quite girl when it comes to asking help for writing a paper and that sometimes I need to have something talked through with me because I might not understand it the first time they explained it. I am good at doing my homework and turning it in at time.

· I would show my teacher my water bottled paper and my sonnet that I wrote because I think these two were my best written pieces. My sonnet should really help my teacher understand who I am.
Kimberlee Gunnis

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