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Kim Gunnis

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Is Bottled Water Safe or Harmful?

Bottled water is used everywhere and every day. Some people think that bottled water is harmful because the bottle may contain chemical pollutants and in some cases bacteria. Also, there are companies that charge too much money for the bottled water. However, I say that bottled water is safe because it is produced and packaged in a sanitary environment and in safety sealed containers. Also, the water has met the FDA’s standards for safe drinking water. It is tested before it is put in stores to make sure that it does not contain Cryptosporidium or other harmful substances.

My first reason I think water is safe is because of the sanitary environment that it is produced and stored in. Everything is clean and in a safe environment so the water is safe and clean. Bottled water is classified as a packaged food product and much meet the same standards as other food products. This means that the water is also subject to FDA food recall and misbranding and food adulteration provisions, which will help ensure people that the water is clean. Water is classified as “bottled water” or “drinking water” when it meets its standards of all applicable federal and state standards then is sealed in a sanitary container and is sold. Also, the water is labeled according to specific government standards. Names of labeling they could have are; spring water, purified water, mineral water, sparkling bottled water, artesian water, or well water. In addition, people like the fresh taste of clean feeling water in their mouth, which is why they choose bottled water.

In regards to, the bottled water has to meet standards, by law; the FDA has to be at least stringent and protective of public health. This helps ensure that bottled water sold in the United States meets its standards. This shows that the water has to be tested by the state and/or the main industry for the companies before the companies put the bottled water up for sale. Also, the water has to meet strict industry standards required by the IBWA Model Code, which in some cases are stricter than FDA, state or EPA’s for public drinking water. To make sure that this is successful all IBWA members use one or more of the following: source protection and monitoring, reverse osmosis, distillation, filtration, ozonation, and ultraviolet lights. This shows that companies really do care about safe bottled water for their customers.

Finally, I think bottled water is safe because standards help ensure that bottled water does not contain Cryptosporidium or other harmful substances. Cryptosporidium lives in animals and is a waterborne parasite and can be passed into surface water by waste. The FDA has a definition of bottled water from ground water sources, “ground water must not be under direct influence of surface water.” This means that there should be no Cryptosporidium in the water. Bottled water companies are required to use one of two sources from which bottled water can be drawn. The first is natural resources (springs and artesian wells). The second source is approved potable municipal supplies; companies use these sources for methods such as distillation, reverse osmosis, ozonation, deionization, and filtration. This helps ensure that the water is very different, in composition and taste, from its original source of water.

People think that bottled water is harmful. The EWG thinks that bottled water contains chemical pollutants and, in some cases, even bacteria. People who think bottled water is safe would say that companies make sure their water is as clean as it can be and that they are very cautious with their water. The cost of the bottled water is another reason why people do not like bottled water. A whole-house carbon filter that strips chemicals from drinking water, shower, clothes washer and dishwasher for an average four person household has an average of about $0.25 per person each day for this system. For a single gallon of bottled water it costs 15 times this amount. The other side would say that bottled water is easy to grab and go and the water bill is not as high as it could be if they used a lot of water during the day. Also, bottled water is harmful because they end up in landfills, incinerators, and as trash on land and in streams, rivers, and oceans. People would say just to clean it up or not to litter.

Bottled water is produced and packaged in a sanitary environment and in safety sealed containers. If the water is in a safe container, the water has to be clean and safe. Water has to meet standards, right? Well, if they are met the water has to be safe because of the strict rules that were followed. Lastly, the water is always being tested for harmful substances that are in the water and companies make sure that they get their water from places that they are supposed to. If they get the water from safe and clean places, then the water is just getting freshened up for the people to buy, and that is what people like, fresh water. This is why I think bottled water is safe.

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